Rain Rain Rain
nice looking rainbow |

San juan victim |

The Watauga tailwater has been generating as well - we have been floating the upper section during generation, and also have had a chance to fish the trophy section in some very high non-generation levels. The Doe has consistently been above 500 cfs so the flow in the trophy section has been BIG. With all of that water pouring through the biggest challenge is just the fish finding the fly - but when they do there is a 90+ percent chance the fish will eat it. They are very hungry and very willing to eat a well presented fly that is in their general vicinity. With muddy, murky water we have had some slow fishing - but have been finding the fish in the same spots they always haunt - even in HUGE flows. It has been gutters and strikes with the weather and the flows, but the angler that has the right day with good clear water flows will benefit! Some caddis dries on Friday before the generation came, with reports/sightings of them further down river. This week should be our caddis week, even if it means during generation. Caddis pupa in the 14-16 size olive or black, bigger mayfly nymphs - soft hackle pheasant tails 14-18, micromayfly 16-20, scattering of midges, and some cranefly larva have all been producing.

Perhaps the greatest benefactor of all this rain and water are the small streams. All of our local waters have been fishing very well - big water levels but lots of clear and healthy water to be found everywhere. All of the small stream bugs - Hendricksons, Cahills, Caddis, Blue Wings, Stoneflies, etc. have been seen throughout different times of the day. Yesterday my wife and I identified over a dozen species of bugs, and also identified countless amounts of wildflowers and songbirds....Even though this is a fishing blog and I would encourage just fishing - the wildlife viewing right now is INCREDIBLE. Countless species of lilies, iris, and groundcover can be identified on a short hike. This is usually a sign of poor fishing that a guide points out so much flora and fauna, but I assure you it had more to do with the intensity of the biomass that is growing around us as the season progresses than the fact the stream we were fishing was 4 feet beyond its banks....
large flowered trillium |
wakerobin |
crested dwarf iris |
For trip info or to talk some fishing: 828.963.5050
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